Learning Series

The Learning Series concept was strategically designed to be a divisional initiative that is provided in response to the needs of our Student Life Staff. The Learning Series is structured to be flexible in offerings, topics and regularity so we can respond to our needs as they arise. See below for some previous instances of our Learning Series for support staff and supervisors.

Previous Programs

Support Staff Learning Series

A program utilized to aid administrative personnel in learning about desirable skills and competencies that will assist them in completing their daily tasks while supporting their respective departments. The Series consists of 4 meetings, including lessons surrounding professional development, the uses of various programs and software for budgeting purposes, organization skills, conflict resolution, and offered space for networking across many different departments.

Supervision Learning Series

A program offered to midlevel managers in student life to dedicate some time to develop their management and supervision competency. In the series, the group of staff dedicated time to discuss some of the complexities of being a midlevel professional in student affairs, meeting and/or exceeding many sets of expectations, explored leading yourself in order to lead others, and hosted activity-based sessions to evaluate their skills and seek feedback to gain a better understanding of their impact on the division and our students.