Recognition and Appreciation

Recognizing our exemplary staff and students in Student Life.

Recognition and Appreciation

The goal of the Recognition and Appreciation Committee is to create continuous recognition opportunities for staff and students within the division. The committee responsibilities include managing and selecting divisional awards, enhancing the transparency of processes around award selection, encouraging participation in other awards throughout campus and our community, and celebrating the constant achievements of our staff.

Any questions, comments or concerns may be directed to Laura Enquist at

The Recognition and Appreciation Committee searches for new members at the end of each academic year. The 2024-2025 Recognition and Appreciation Committee has been selected. Please check back in spring of 2025 for information on how to join.

2024-2025 Recognition and Appreciation Committee Members

  • Anna McJenkin, VPSL
  • Joshua Brown, Professional Development
  • Debbie Fish, WGRC
  • Carlo Spalloni, UREC
  • Kristen Dubose, SCWB
  • Scot Kirby, HRC
  • Abby McNeal, OFSL
  • Kelsey Atchison, Communications and External Engagement
  • Samantha Colantonio, Student Center
  • Lesley Price, HPW
  • Tre Finklea, PFP

Past Events

Employee Appreciation Day

This day was utilized to show thanks for all of the staff in the division with a day filled with food, activities, and fun!

Staff Superlatives

Superlatives were submitted from across the Division as a way to foster an environment of good cheer.

August Kick Off

December SL Celebration

This celebration is aimed to be an informal festivity geared to the winter season, and to celebrate the conclusion of the fall semester.

Divisional Awards

These awards are geared to SL staff and student workers as a way to showcase their accomplishments within their roles.

Halloween Candy Drop Off

This was the division’s way to spread some Halloween cheer across the division. Candy was distributed the week of Halloween.

Give Thanks, Grateful Week

Week of gratitude is a time for everyone in the division to share how appreciative they are for everyone around them during the Thanksgiving season.